The rationale for using essential oils to alleviate headache is based
on several assumptions. Especially for peppermint oil certain analgesi
c mechanisms were recently described. Local application of peppermint
oil generates a long-lasting cooling effect on the skin, caused by a s
teric alteration of the calcium channels of the cold-receptors. Furthe
r it was shown that peppermint oil inhibits non-competively 5-hydroxyt
ryptamin (serotonine) and substance P induced smooth muscle contractio
n in animal-models. It is also known that peppermint oil induces a sig
nificant increase of the skin blood flow of the forehead after local a
pplication, measured by laser doppler. Assuming that a clinical releva
nt analgesic action exists, this ought to be observable in experimenta
l algesimetric human tests. Therefore the effects of peppermint oil an
d eucalyptus oil preparations on neurophysiological, psychological and
experimental algesimetric parameters were investigated in 32 healthy
subjects in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized cross-over
design. Four different test preparations were used: preparation 1 (LI1
701) consisted of 10 g peppermint oil and 5 g eucalyptus oil plus etha
nol 90% to 100 g; preparation 2 (LI1702) of 10 g peppermint oil and tr
aces of eucalyptus oil plus ethanol 90% to 100 g; preparation 3 (LI170
3) of traces of peppermint oil and 5 g eucalyptus oil plus ethanol 90%
to 100 g; and preparation 4 (placebo) of traces of peppermint oil and
traces of eucalyptus oil plus ethanol 90% to 100 g. The test preparat
ions were applied to large areas of the forehead and temples using a s
mall sponge. The treatment effect of the preparations was evaluated by
comparing baseline and treatment measurements. The combination of pep
permint oil, eucalyptus oil and ethanol can increase cognitive perform
ance while having a muscle-relaxing and mentally relaxing effect, but
has little influence on pain sensitivity. A significant analgesic effe
ct with a reduction in sensitivity to headache is however produced by
the combination of peppermint oil and ethanol. The essential plant oil
preparations can thus be shown by laboratory tests to exert significa
nt effects on mechanisms associated with the pathophysiology of clinic
al headache syndromes. Further, to investigate the efficacy of essenti
al oil preparations compared to usual analgesics (paracetamol or acety
lsalicylicacid) a double blind, placebo controlled, randomized study s
hould be performed.