In a study that indicates more definitive investigation is needed, 118
patients with chronic back problems seeking treatment for acute attac
ks of pain were included in a 4-week randomised double-blinded study o
n the safety and effectiveness of an extract of Harpagophytum procumbe
ns. Both, the treatment and the placebo were administered in the form
of two tablets taken three times per day; the treatment group had a da
ily consumption equal to 6,000 mg of crude preparation (50 mg harpagos
ide, the putative active ingredient). The treatment and placebo groups
were well matched in physical characteristics; in the severity, durat
ion, nature and accompaniments of their pain; and in laboratory indice
s of organ system function. 109 patients completed the study. The stud
y was originally designed to measure Harpagophytum's effectiveness by
measuring the use of supplementary pain-killer Tramadol over its final
3 weeks. However, this did not differ between the Harpagophytum and p
lacebo groups nor was the consumption closely related to the amount of
pain. Further analysis, though, revealed that 9 out of 51 patients wh
o received the extract were pain free at the end of treatment compared
to only 1 out of 54 patients who received placebo. A modification of
the Arhus index was used as an additional measure, covering the more g
lobal impact. The percentage change was greater in those patients who
received Harpagophytum extract than in those who received placebo, but
inferential testing (Mann Whitney) allowed only 94% degree of confide
nce that this had not arisen by chance. The Arhus index reduction was
based on improvement in pain. This indication of effectiveness, and th
e absence of demonstrable adverse effects show that more definite clin
ical studies of Harpagophytum extract will be worthwhile.