Loons (Gavia spp.) were counted during the Alaska-Yukon Waterfowl Bree
ding Population Survey from 1971 to 1993 and the Arctic Coastal Plain
Waterbird Breeding Population Survey from 1986 to 1993. Population ind
ices for Alaska (not corrected for visibility bias) are presented by s
pecies for boreal forest, tundra, and both habitats combined. Minimum
mean population estimates (1977-1993) with 95% confidence intervals we
re 15,360 (+/-2,235) Red-throated Loons (G. stellata), 69,498 (+/-5,59
6) Pacific Loons (G. pacifica), 8,886 (+/-843) Common Loons (G. immer)
and 2,636 (+/-614) Yellow-billed Loons (G. adamsii). Populations of P
acific, Common and Yellow-billed Loons did not change significantly be
tween 1977 and 1993, whereas Red-throated Loons declined by 53% to a 1
993 level of 9,843 (+/-2,447) (r(2) = 0.65, P < 0.001). Factors affect
ing results from aerial surveys are discussed.