This paper presents simple circuits for baseline restoration based on
a commercial current conveyor (CCII01). Tests were performed, on two c
ircuits, with periodic trapezoidal shaped pulses in order to measure t
he baseline restoration for several pulse rates and restorer duty cycl
es. For the current conveyor based Robinson restorer, the peak shift w
as less than 10 mV, for duty cycles up to 60%, at high pulse rates. Du
ty cycles up to 80% were also tested, being the maximum peak shift 21
mV. The peak shift for the current conveyor based Grubic restorer was
also measured. The maximum value found was 30 mV at 82% duty cycle. Ke
eping the duty cycle below 60% improves greatly the restorer performan
ce. The ability of both baseline restorer architectures to reject low
frequency modulation is also measured, with good results on both circu