Light sources tunable in the visible and IR with pulse durations of a
few picoseconds can be realised using the third harmonic of a modelock
ed Nd:YAG laser and performing several parametric generations and ampl
ifications in BBO crystals. The performances of such a setup are very
satisfying, only the spatial and spectral quality of the beam has to b
e improved: A spatial filtre technique using an optical fiber of a cor
e-diameter of 5 mu m can be employed. The resulting light source is tu
nable between 0,4 and 2,5 mu m, it has an almost perfect spatial Gauss
ian profile, a pulse duration of 20 ps and a spectral width of less th
an 0.9 cm(-1) at a wavelength of 870 nm. This yields an excellent band
with product Delta nu Delta t of 0.5, which is only 1.1 times the Four
ier limit for spectral Gaussian pulses. The maximum output energy was
measured to be 2 mJ per pulse with a pump pulse energy of 15 mJ.