It is shown that BCS-like scenarios for high-T-c superconductivity bas
ed on the extended t-J model yield a characteristic prediction for T-c
(max), the critical temperature at optimum doping. A pivotal role is p
layed by t(-) equivalent to t' - 2t '' (t' is the next-nearest-neighbo
r hopping, t '' is the third-neighbor hopping). Because t(-) determine
s the shape of the Fermi surface and the nature of saddle points, it s
trongly affects T-c(max). Owing to symmetry, structural differences ou
tside the CuO2 planes are described exclusively by t(-). This explains
semiquantitatively the actual variation of T-c(max) among the various
cuprates, with estimated parameters that are consistent with the obse
rved Fermi surfaces.