Noonan syndrome, a well-known multiple congenital anomalies syndrome,
is frequently accompanied by cardiovascular diseases including hypertr
ophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The incidence of HCM in Noonan syndrome is
approximately 20-30% and one-third of cases reveal ventricular outflo
w obstruction. HCM in Noonan syndrome is occasionally associated with
a congenital heart defect, whereas classic HCM seldom accompanies card
iac malformations. Asymmetric septal hypertrophy and symmetric septal
hypertrophy (concentric hypertrophy) can be observed both in HCM with
Noonan syndrome and in classic HCM, but apical hypertrophy has not bee
n reported in Noonan syndrome yet, although it appears in classic HCM.
Congestive heart failure is the major cause of death in patients with
HCM in Noonan syndrome, but cases of sudden death have also been repo
rted. The histopathologic findings of ventricular myocardial tissue in
HCM with Noonan syndrome are similar to those in classic HCM.