Plasma and magnetic field data from the IMP 8 Earth-orbiting spacecraf
t and plasma data from the Voyager 2 spacecraft are analyzed to determ
ine their frequency spectra. The resulting spectra are compared with s
olar oscillation mode frequencies which recent papers (particularly Th
omson et al. [1995]) report are present in solar wind data. The freque
ncy spectra of the plasma and magnetic field data sets are characteriz
ed by a diverse set of strong peaks, many of which are stronger than t
hose occurring at frequencies associated with solar oscillatory modes.
The frequencies of these peaks are not consistent between data sets,
making it unlikely that they represent solar oscillation modes. Althou
gh the analysis technique used, the Lomb-Scargle method, does not perm
it accurate assignment of statistical uncertainties, it is clear that
solar oscillatory frequencies are not the major contributors to the fr
equency spectra of these data.