This paper concerns the description of large transient waves in shallo
w and intermediate water depths. It builds upon recent advances in the
description of deep water waves, and provides the first quantitative
comparisons with a new kinematic model which has hitherto only been va
lidated in deep water conditions. A new series of experimental observa
tions is presented in which the wave components within a random (or ir
regular) sea state are focused to produce a large transient wave group
. Comparisons with both linear and second-order solutions suggest that
non-linear wave-wave interactions produce a steeper wave envelope in
which the central wave crest is higher and narrower, while the adjacen
t wave troughs are broader and less deep. Spectral analysis of the mea
sured water surface elevation suggest that in addition to the developm
ent of significant long-wave energy, there is also a transfer of energ
y to the shorter, high frequency, harmonics. This energy redistributio
n has a significant effect upon the underlying kinematics. In particul
ar, the near-bed velocities are shown to be in good agreement with the
second-order solution which includes the long-wave (or frequency-diff
erence terms) first identified by Longuet-Higgins and Stewart. Further
more, the near-surface kinematics are shown to be highly non-linear. I
ndeed, a linear wave theory, based upon a correct representation of th
e freely propagating linear harmonics, is generally found to under-est
imate the near-surface horizontal velocity. However, if the linear cal
culations are based upon a measured wave spectrum, the kinematic predi
ctions suffer from high frequency contamination and require empirical
correction. In contrast, the non-linear numerical model presented by B
aldock and Swan provides a good description of the measured kinematics
over the entire water depth.