Gravitropism was studied in roots of wild type (WT) Arabidopsis thalia
na (L.) Heynh. (strain Wassilewskija) and three starch-deficient mutan
ts that were generated by T-DNA insertional mutagenesis. One of these
mutants was starchless while the other two were intermediate mutants,
which had 51% and 60%, respectively, of the WT amount of starch as det
ermined by light and electron microscopy. The four parameters used to
assay gravitropism were: orientation during vertical growth, time cour
se of curvature, induction, and intermittent stimulation experiments.
WT roots were much more responsive to gravity than were roots of the s
tarchless mutant, and the intermediate starch mutants exhibited an int
ermediate graviresponse. Our data suggest that lowered starch content
in the mutants primarily affects gravitropism rather than differential
growth because both phototropic curvature and growth rates were appro
ximately equal among all four genotypes. Since responses of intermedia
te-starch mutants were closer to the WT response than to that of the s
tarchless mutant, it appears that 51-60% of the WT level of starch is
near the threshold amount needed for full gravitropic sensitivity. Whi
le other interpretations are possible, the data are consistent with th
e starch statolith hypothesis for gravity perception in that the degre
e of graviresponsiveness is proportional to the total mass of plastids
per cell.