A two-row planter was constructed for planting small potato research p
lots. For each row, seed pieces were manually placed on a cup conveyor
belt system. Desired in-row seed piece spacings, per row, were obtain
ed by controlling the speed of the conveyor belts using variable speed
gearboxes. Micro-dial controllers, attached to the gearboxes, allowed
for rapid adjustment of in-row seed piece spacing when required. Smal
l fertilizer hoppers, similar in design to commercial planters, were a
ttached to the planter when a uniform type or rate of fertilizer was r
equired at planting. When planting required different types or rates o
f fertilizer, hoppers were removed and replaced by two Hege (model H80
) belt cones. Fertilizer required per treatment row was placed in the
cone prior to planting then applied as cones rotated. The rotation of
the cones was controlled by a variable speed gearbox with micro-dial c
ontrol to adjust the row length of fertilizer application when require
d. The planter performed well compared to commercial and other small p
lot planters. The coefficient of variation for seed piece spacings ran
ged between 11 to 15% and labour required for planting was 40 to 60% l
ess compared to hand planting.