The value of scientific digital-image libraries seldom lies in the pix
els of images. For large collections of images, such as those resultin
g from astronomy sky surveys, the typical useful product is an online
database cataloging entries of interest. We focus on the automation of
the cataloging effort of a major sky survey and the availability of d
igital libraries in general. The SKICAT system automates the reduction
and analysis of the three terabytes worth of images, expected to cont
ain on the order of 2 billion sky objects. For the primary scientific
analysis of these data, it is necessary to detect, measure, and classi
fy every sky object. SKICAT integrates techniques for image processing
, classification learning, database management, and visualization. The
learning algorithms are trained to classify the detected objects and
can classify objects too faint for visual classification with an accur
acy level exceeding 90 percent. This accuracy level increases the numb
er of classified objects in the final catalog threefold relative to th
e best results from digitized photographic sky surveys to date. Hence,
learning algorithms played a powerful and enabling role and solved a
difficult, scientifically significant problem, enabling the consistent
, accurate classification and the ease of access and analysis of an ot
herwise unfathomable data set.