All patients at moderate to high risk for the development of venous th
romboembolism should receive prophylaxis. The approaches of proven val
ue include low-dose heparin, low molecular weight heparin, oral antico
agulants and intermittent pneumatic compression. The use of one of the
cited heparin nomograms will ensure that all patients are rapidly bro
ught within the therapeutic range. Because of the varying sensitivitie
s of thromboplastins, each laboratory should establish a therapeutic r
ange using the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) which will
correspond to 0.2 to 0.4 U/ml of heparin. Constant vigilance and a hi
gh level of suspicion are necessary to establish the clinical diagnosi
s of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, and to institute appropriate th
erapy. Physicians should be aware of the sensitivity of the thrombopla
stin being used in the performance of the international Normalised Rat
io (INR). Care must be taken to ensure that patients an maintained wit
hin the target therapeutic range for INR (in most cases 2 to 3) by fre
quent determination of the INR and appropriate adjustments of warfarin
dosage. Low molecular weight heparin is the recommended approach to t
he initial management of venous thromboembolism where these agents are
available. Patients with an acute episode of venous thromboembolism s
hould receive warfarin therapy for at least 3 months. At the present t
ime it is reasonable to treat the first recurrence with oral anticoagu
lants for a period of 12 months and indefinitely for more than 1 recur
rence. For selected patients with acute massive pulmonary embolism, th
rombolytic therapy with one of the available agents is recommended. Ho
wever, the role of thrombolytic therapy in patients with proximal veno
us thrombosis remains unclear. In selected patients with acute venous
thromboembolism who have contra-indications to anticoagulant therapy o
r who have objectively documented recurrent disease while on adequate
therapy, the insertion of an inferior vena cava filter is recommended.