PURPOSE: To determine whether percutaneous biopsy can provide the diag
nostic and prognostic information necessary to treat children with adv
anced neuroblastoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 1991 through 1995, 21
percutaneous biopsies were performed in 20 children with advanced neu
roblastoma by using 15- or 16-gauge core biopsy needles. An average of
six samples were obtained. Since September 1994, fresh tissue was sen
t to the reference laboratory, where touch preparations were prepared
for N-myc evaluation. RESULTS: Histologic confirmation and prognostic
information (Shimada classification) were obtained in all cases. Genet
ic prognostic information was obtained in 19 patients (95%), DNA index
(ploidy) in 18 (90%), N-myc gene expression in 14 (70%), and cytogene
tic analysis in 10 (50%). N-myc and ploidy determinations were success
ful in all five biopsy specimens obtained since September 1994. CONCLU
SION: Percutaneous biopsy of advanced neuroblastoma is a feasible alte
rnative to open biopsy.