Fournier's gangrene, an anaerobic necrotizing cellulitis of the infrad
iaphragmatic soft tissues, is a serious pathologic entity with an unpr
edictable course, From 1978 to 1991, a total of 24 men (mean age, 57 y
ears; range 27 to 90) were treated for this entity at our institution.
Diagnosis prompted immediate institution of multimodal treatment comb
ining triple antibiotics, surgical dissection, debridement, and repeat
ed surgical drainage, Fecal diversion (16 patients), hyperbaric oxygen
ation, and standard intensive care procedures were widely indicated an
d performed quasi-systematically. The mean interval between initial sy
mptoms and diagnosis was 7.4 days. Lesions were limited to the perineu
m in 11 patients but extended to the abdomen, thighs, or loins in the
remaining 13. The pathogens were identified in 19 patients, and hemocu
lture results were positive in 5. A coloproctologic origin was identif
ied in 12 patients and a urogenital origin in 4. In 2 patients, perine
al gangrene occurred postoperatively, and no etiology was determined f
or 6. Six patients died, and 18 patients recovered, without any sequel
ae. The prognosis is better when the patient is young (less than 60 ye
ars old), has clinically localized disease, without systemic involveme
nt, and sterile hemocultures and is managed with a colostomy, A thorou
gh workup is mandatory to determine the etiology (locoregional lesion,
malignancy, hemopathy, arteritis).