This paper describes the components and subsystems for the inplementat
ion of a multi-GHz optoelectronic data transport network using self-ro
uting packets in a multi-hop network. The short packet payloads are co
mpressed using optical wavelength division multiplexing techniques, an
d remain optical from source to destination while traversing the switc
hing nodes, The routing is done with a lean, self-routing hot potato p
rotocol in order to avoid the need for data storage at the switching n
odes and to provide a fu;ed node latency equivalent to a few meters of
fiber, Sustainable throughput both into and out of the electronic hos
t at each node should exceed 10 Gb/s, Some technical details of the sw
itching nodes and interfaces of the recirculating shuffle network, and
the stepped wavelength laser arrays and testbed will be given.