DNA markers have been used in many studies of fungal plant pathogens,
and in particular in investigations of mating systems, gene flow, the
establishment of epidemics and adaptation to host crops. Many aspects
of population structure can be analysed by means of contingency tables
, using chi(2) tests. Some extensions of such tests, with particular a
pplications to plant pathology, are described. One test is applicable
to situations where there is more than one le iel of subdivision of po
pulations, while another is appropriate when there are two types of di
vision, for instance by geographical area and by host crop. Furthermor
e, the chi(2) test offers a convenient way of combining information fr
om several independent markers. Tests for the differentiation of subpo
pulations are based on certain underlying assumptions, and it is argue
d that the primary consideration in choosing a marker system should be
whether or not it fits the appropriate genetic criteria. Other consid
erations, such as time, cost and difficulty, should be evaluated if tw
o or more methods are capable of generating markers which fit the gene
tic assumptions adequately. Although a large number of markers should
be examined in order to estimate the extent of population subdivision,
it might only be necessary to use a few markers to test whether such
subdivision exists. Likewise, only a few markers may be needed to dist
inguish clones of a pathogen in a partially sexual population. However
, in all of these tests, these markers should be well characterized ge
netically. It is shown that an existing genetic fingerprinting system
for the barley powdery mildew fungus, Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei,
is suitable for identifying clones but not for describing the differe
ntiation of subpopulations. It may be possible to use markers based on
random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) or on amplified fragment leng
th polymorphism (AFLP) in quantitative research in population genetics
of E. graminis f. sp. hordei.