The drawing forces during wire drawing can be reduced by applying ultr
asonically oscillating dies. A major problem of conventional wire draw
ing is to introduce high forces into the forming area. Compared to con
ventional wire drawing, the forming process limits can be extended due
to the decreasing drawing forces. Different techniques can be used to
excite the die. A possibility is the variation of the mode of oscilla
tion. In tube and wire drawing, the dies are usually excited longitudi
nally. However, in certain cases it would be advantageous to excite th
e dies in a radial mode. Furthermore, there is the possibility of vary
ing the vibration direction. If the vibration direction is parallel to
the drawing direction, the influence on the friction force will be th
e greatest. If the vibration direction is perpendicular to the drawing
direction, the influence on the forming properties of the workpiece w
ill be the greatest. Since longitudinally oscillating dies at their na
tural frequency generate a standing wave, there is additionally the po
ssibility to locate the die into the nodal- or into the antinodal poin
ts. With ultrasonically oscillating dies, the static forming forces ca
n be reduced. The superimposed dynamic stress reduces the measured sta
tic forces because of the oscillating movement of the die. One reason
for the force decrease is the reduction of friction between die and wo
rkpiece. Another reason is the absorption of sonic energy by the latti
ce dislocations and the change of the forming properties of the workpi
ece. Mounting pins were developed to induce the dynamic oscillation an
d to realize high static loads upto 10 kN. In these investigations, th
e die oscillates longitudinally at the resonant frequency of approxima
tely 22 kHz. There is an oscillating movement of the die with a veloci
ty of maximal 0,5 m/s and an amplitude of maximal 10 mu m. The experim
ental equipment was installed in a hydraulic drawing machine. The expe
riments were performed with highly alloyed austenitic stainless steel
wires. Diameter reductions from 3,7 mm to 3,5 mm, from 3,7 mm to 3,0 m
m, and from 3,7 mm to 2,5mm were investigated. The drawing velocity wa
s varied in the range between 1 m/min and 10 m/min. Two longitudinally
perpendicular excited dies were used. Type A was in the antinodal poi
nt of the standing wave and type B was in the nodal point of the stand
ing wave. The experimental results show that applying die-type A, a dr
awing force reduction of nearly 12 % can be achieved. However, the sid
e-effect of this die-type was the activation of another vibrational mo
de in the workpiece. Because of resonant effects, the drawing force de
creases periodically up to 40 %. Therefore, the wire-diameter has chan
ged at the corresponding locations. Using die-type B, it is possible t
o achieve drawing force reductions upto 20 %. Compared with the die-ty
pe A, the drawing force curve was smoother. Corresponding to the drawi
ng force curve, the wire surface was smooth.