We examined three patients with cavernous angioma within the middle ce
rebellar peduncle. Each patient had an unusual ocular motor finding: t
he appearance of a strong torsional nystagmus during vertical pursuit.
The uncalled-for torsion changed direction when vertical pursuit chan
ged direction. In one patient, we recorded eye movements with the magn
etic field technique using a combined direction and torsion eye coil.
The slow-phase velocity of the inappropriate torsional nystagmus was l
inearly related to the slow-phase velocity of vertical smooth pursuit,
and changed direction when vertical pursuit changed direction. This t
orsional nystagmus also appeared during fixation suppression of the ve
rtical vestibule-ocular reflex (VOR), but was minimal during vertical
head rotation when fixing a stationary target in the light. We suggest
that inappropriately directed eye movements during pursuit might be a
nother ocular motor sign of cerebellar dysfunction. Furthermore, we sp
eculate that the signals used for vertical smooth pur suit are, at som
e stage, encoded in a semicircular canal VOR coordinate framework. To
illustrate, for the vertical semicircular canals, vertical and torsion
al motion are combined on the same cells, with the anterior semicircul
ar canals mediating upward movements and the posterior semicircular ca
nals mediating downward movements. For the right labyrinth, however, b
oth vertical semicircular canals produce clockwise slow phases (ipsila
teral eye intorts, contralateral eye extorts). The opposite is true fo
r the vertical semicircular canals in the left labyrinth; counterclock
wise slow phases are produced. Hence, to generate a pure vertical VOR,
the anterior or posterior semicircular canals on both sides of the he
ad must be excited so that opposite-directed torsional components canc
el. Thus, if pursuit were organized in a way similar to the VOR, pure
vertical pursuit would require that oppositely-directed torsional comp
onents cancel in normals. If this did not happen, a residual torsional
nystagmus could appear during attempted vertical pursuit.