A 29-year-old patient with AIDS was hospitalized with weight loss, fev
er and cough. Mycobacterial cultures from sputum, blood and bronchoalv
eolar lavage became positive after 3 weeks' incubation. When using a D
NA probe for identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, a w
eakly positive signal was obtained. Tuberculosis was suspected and tre
atment was Started with isoniazid, ethambutol and ciprofloxacin. Seque
ncing of the gene of the 16S rRNA, however, identified the isolates as
belonging to a new, slow-growing atypical mycobacterial species, Myco
bacterium celatum (M. celatum). Treatment was modified to rake into ac
count the previously described primary resistance of M. celatum to ant
ituberculous drugs, whereupon the patient improved.