Several successful theories of psychophysical judgment imply that expo
nents of power functions in scaling tasks should covary with measures
of intensity resolution such as d' in the same tasks, whereas the prev
ailing metatheory of ideal psychophysical scaling asserts the independ
ence of the two. In a direct test of this relationship, three prominen
t psychophysical scaling paradigms were studied: category judgment wit
hout an identification function, absolute magnitude estimation, and cr
oss-modality matching with light intensity as the response continuum.
Separate groups of subjects for each scaling paradigm made repeated ju
dgments of the loudnesses of the pure tones that constituted each of t
wo stimulus ensembles. The narrow- and wide-range ensembles shared six
identical stimulus intensities in the middle of each set. Intensity r
esolution, as measured by d'-like distances, of these physically ident
ical stimuli was significantly worse for the wide-range set for all th
ree methods. Exponents of power functions fitted to geometric mean res
ponses, and in magnitude estimation and cross-modality matching the ge
ometric mean responses themselves, were also significantly smaller in
the wide-range condition. The variation of power function exponents, a
nd of psychophysical scale values, for stimulus intensities that were
identical in the two stimulus sets with the intensities of other membe
rs of the ensembles is inconsistent with the metatheory on which moder
n psychophysical scaling practice is based, although it is consistent
with other useful approaches to measurement of psychological magnitude