Approximately 30 Quercus (oak) species occur in the eastern United Sta
tes, of which Q alba, Q rubra, Q velutina, Q coccinea, Q stellata and
Q prinus are among the most dominant. Quercus distribution greatly inc
reased at the beginning of the Holocene epoch (10 000 years BP), but h
as exhibited major changes since European settlement in the 18th and 1
9th centuries. For example, large-scale increases in Quercus species h
ave occurred as a result of fire exclusion in the central tallgrass pr
airie and savanna regions. In the northern conifer and hardwood forest
s of New England and the Lake States region, Q rubra exhibited a drama
tic increase following early logging and fire. Quercus species have al
so increased in the mid-Atlantic region from land-clearing, the charco
al iron industry and the eradication of Castanea dentata following Eur
opean settlement. Studies of the dendroecology and successional dynami
cs of several old-growth forests indicate that prior to European settl
ement Quercus grew and regenerated in uneven-aged conditions. At times
oak growth was very slow (< 1.0 mm/year) for long periods, which is u
sually characteristic of highly shade-tolerant species. Quercus specie
s exhibited continuous recruitment into the canopy during the 17th, 18
th and 19th centuries, but stopped recruiting in the early 20th centur
y. Since that time, later successional, mixed-mesophytic species have
dominated understory and canopy recruitment, which coincides with the
period of fire exclusion throughout much of the eastern biome. Major o
ak replacement species include Acer rubrum, A saccharum, Prunus seroti
na and others. Logging of oak forests that have understories dominated
by later successional species often accelerates the oak replacement p
rocess. Relative to other hardwood tree species, many oaks exhibit hig
h fire and drought resistance. Adaptations of oaks to fire include thi
ck bark, vigorous sprouting and resistance to rotting after scarring,
as well as benefiting from fire-created seedbeds. Their adaptations to
drought include deep rooting, xeromorphic leaves, low water potential
threshold for stomatal closure, high gas exchange rates, osmotic adju
stment and a drought-resistant photosynthetic apparatus. However, oaks
typically have low tolerance for current understory conditions, despi
te the fact that they produce a large seed with the potential to produ
ce an initially large seedling. Oak seedlings in shaded understories g
enerally grow very slowly and have recurring shoot dieback, although t
hey have relatively high net photosynthesis and low respiration rates
compared to many of their understory competitors. Oak forest canopies
also allow for relatively high light transmission compared with later
successional forest types. Thus, without severe competition from non-o
ak tree species, oaks should have the physiological capability for lon
g-term survival beneath their own canopies in uneven-age tie, gap-phas
e) or even-age forest conditions. I argue that fire exclusion this cen
tury has facilitated the invasion of most oak understories by later su
ccessional species, which are over-topping oak seedlings. If this cond
ition, coupled with severe predation of oak acorns and seedlings, cont
inues into the next century, a major loss of oak dominance should be a