There is evidence that urinary incontinence (UI) can develop without a
ny organic aetiology as a direct side effect of typical antipsychotic
medication. Clozapine was administered to a chronic schizophrenic pati
ent with UI who was refractory to typical antipsychotic medication. Af
ter various laboratory and functional tests, UI was demonstrated to be
unrelated to any organic aetiology. UI was monitored throughout the s
tudy as frequency (wetting the bed) per day and night. The Brief Psych
iatric Rating Scale (BPRS) was also rated. Clozapine (dose-dependently
) reduced both the BPRS score and frequency of UI, which were refracto
ry to trifluoperazine and sulpiride. This is the first report of a dra
matic resolution of UI in a schizophrenic patient after clozapine trea
tment. It is suggested that preference should be given to clozapine in
such cases, since various other antipsychotic medications were ineffe
ctive and in some cases worsened the existing UI.