We removed the surface-orienting aquatic insects from a fishless pond
to determine their predation effects on zooplankton behavior and size
structure. A second fishless pond served as the unmanipulated referenc
e system in this two year study. In the reference pond and the treatme
nt pond prior to manipulation, daphnids exhibited pronounced diel vert
ical migrations. Following the removal of surface-orienting aquatic in
sects from the treatment pond, daphnid migration changed to a reverse
migration strategy that was significantly different from that observed
in the reference system. Average daphnid body size increased signific
antly following predator removal in the treatment system. Our data ind
icate that predation by aquatic insect predators, such as notonectids
and dytiscids, may affect daphnid migration behavior in fishless syste
ms. Vertical migration by daphnids may allow coexistence with surface-
orienting insects in ponds that are deep enough to provide a spatial r
efuge from these predators.