Laparoscopy has recently been applied to solid organ removal. We attem
pted laparoscopic splenectomy in 20 selected patients with various hae
matologic disorders. It was performed successfully in 18 (90%) patient
s. The mortality was nit and the post-operative morbidity was low (17%
). Splenic extraction was performed by specimen fragmentation in a pla
stic bag or by minilaparotomy in cases of splenomegaly or tumours of u
ncertain origin, One of the disadvantages of laparoscopic surgery is t
he removal of subsequent large solid organs. To facilitate splenic ext
raction, we use digital fragmentation in an impervious nylon bag and a
morcellator device is not mandatory. We have widened the indications
for splenic morcellation to lymphomas and Hodgkin's disease because re
liable histological examination is still possible.