A review of research research examining the construct validity of J. M
. Masling, L. Rabie, and S. H. Blond-heim's (1967) Rorschach Oral Depe
ndency (ROD) scale as a measure of interpersonal dependency revealed t
hat this scale has demonstrated good interrater reliability, and that
evidence regarding the convergent and discriminant validity of the ROD
scale is generally strong. Mixed results have been obtained in studie
s assessing the internal reliability of ROD scale scores. There have b
een very few studies examining the predictive validity and retest reli
ability of the ROD scale, and few studies assessing the relationship o
f ROD scores to scores on other objective and projective measures of d
ependency. Implications of these findings for laboratory and clinical
research involving the ROD scale are discussed, and suggestions for fu
ture studies in this area are offered.