This collection of writings aims at providing an update on the status
of present knowledge on psychological aspects of adult rhumatoid arthr
itis (RA) and integrating this data within a biopsychosocial perspecti
ve of the illness. The article first describes the multifactorial natu
re of the disorder and then offers a brief description of the biopsych
osocial paradigm. The relevance of this model is examined taking into
account the main psychological and social aspects of RA as reflected i
n the most significant research available, namely in the field of psyc
hophisiological mecanisms, stress, sociodemographic and psychosocial v
ariales, depression, sleep disorders, chronic pain, functional disabil
ity and adaptation to the illness. The authors conclude by briefly tac
kling the topic of relationship among variales involved in the treatme
nt of the illness and the psychological treatment of the disorder. The
article also points to limits in our present knowledge and hints at f
uture research topics. In conclusion, the authors state that this illn
ess has several dimensions related to psychology that should not be ig
nored by researchers and clinicians.