THE interest in carbon nanotubes has been greatly stimulated by theore
tical predictions that their electronic properties are strongly modula
ted by small structural variations(1-8). In particular, the diameter a
nd the helicity of carbon atoms in the nanotube shell are believed to
determine whether the nanotube is metallic or a semiconductor, Because
of the enormous technical challenge of making measurements on individ
ual nanotubes, however, experimental studies have been limited mainly
to bulk measurements(9), which indicate only that a fraction of the na
notubes are metallic or narrow-band semiconductors(10). Recently, meas
urements of the magneto-conductance of a single multi-shell nanotube i
n a two-probe configuration showed that the transport is characterized
by disorder and localization phenomena(11). To avoid possible ambigui
ties due to poor sample contacts, four-probe measurements are needed,
Here we report four-probe measurements on single nanotubes made by lit
hographic deposition of tungsten leads across the tubes. We find that
each multi-shell nanotube has unique conductivity properties. Both met
allic and non-metallic behaviour are observed, as well as abrupt jumps
in conductivity as the temperature is varied. The differences between
the electrical properties of different nanotubes are far greater than
expected. Our results suggest that differences in geometry play a pro
found part in determining the electronic behaviour.