This paper reviews and synthesizes research about geomorphic influence
s on vegetation patterns apparent at the landscape scala After an over
view of the effects that landforms and geomorphic processes have on pl
ant distributions, these relationships are discussed in more detail fo
r each of four distinct physical settings: temperate riparian environm
ents, slopes affected by landslides and other forms of mass movement,
desert alluvial fans, and nonmountainous glaciated landscapes. These f
our landscapes were selected because they encompass a broad range of t
emporal and spatial scales at which the geomorphic processes most stro
ngly linked with vegetation patterns operate; furthermore, they collec
tively illustrate some of the more prominent themes in recent research
on this topic. Finally, we identify four topics that particularly mer
it future research on geomorphic-biogeographic interactions: (1) feedb
ack between vegetation and landforms, (2) distinctions between landfor
m characteristics and the associated geomorphic processes as controls
of vegetation patterns, (3) the influence of scale on landform-vegetat
ion relationships, and (4) geographic variation in those relationships