Multidisciplinary approaches including pharmacology, biochemistry, imm
unology and rapidly developing molecular biology techniques have been
instrumental in the gigantic leaps observed in the field of endothelin
s in recent years. With the receptors cloned as well as proposed biosy
nthetic pathways being rapidly elucidated, the role of endothelin in c
ardiovascular homeostasis as well as in the ethiology of vascular path
ologies may lead to the development of therapeutically useful agents.
This review succinctly describes some of the important aspects of the
biology of endothelins from the processing of pre-pro-endothelin-1 to
the active moiety of endothelin-1. Furthermore, physiopathological con
siderations are presented concerning the usefulness of mixed ET(A)/ET(
B) receptors as opposed to selective ET(A) receptors. Moreover, distin
ct endothelin-converting enzyme activity specific to particular organs
is outlined. Finally, the nuclear and cytosolic calcium-mobilizing pr
operties of ET-1 in the vascular smooth muscle are illustrated. As far
as the contribution of endothelin in cardiovascular regulation is con
cerned, a correlation attempt will be made between the results obtaine
d in animal models and (SIC)