Depressed patients may experience sexual dysfunction either as a conse
quence of their depression or of their antidepressant medication, or b
oth. Sexual dysfunction may manifest as reduction of desire, impairmen
t of arousal, and loss, delay or alteration of orgasm, Estimates of se
xual dysfunction in unipolar depressed patients range from 35 to 47%.
An increasing body of evidence suggests that antidepressants such as t
ricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors
are associated with 'treatment-emergent' sexual dysfunction in a relat
ively high proportion of depressed patients. In clinical trials involv
ing > 4000 patients, the serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and 5-HT2 antag
onist nefazodone has been associated with a very low incidence of sexu
al dysfunction, comparable with that of the placebo group. Treatment a
pproaches for sexual dysfunction in depression include reduction in do
se or switch of antidepressant medication, adjuvant treatment and/or p
sychological and behavioural strategies.