Let I be an ideal of a commutative Noetherian ring A, A superset of Q,
B = A/I and G(I) the associated graded ring to I. It is known that H-
2(A, B, B) = 0 is equivalent to I being syzygetic. We prove that the v
anishing of H-2(A, B, G(I)) is equivalent to I being of linear type an
d sigma(3,q) : A(3)(B)(I/I-2) x (B) I-q/I-q+1 --> Tor(3)(A)(B, A/I-q+1
), the (3, q)-antisymmetrization morphism, being surjective for all q
greater than or equal to 0. Using this and a theorem of Ulrich on a co
njecture of Herzog, we deduce that, in a regular local ring A, a Goren
stein, licci ideal I verifies H-2(A, B, G(I)) = 0 if and only if I is
a complete intersection. Thus, we characterize perfect (respectively,
Gorenstein) ideals of grade two (respectively, three) with H-2(A, B, G
(I)) = 0 as those ideals which are of linear type (respectively, compl
ete intersection). With any grade, but small deviation, we show that a
licci ideal, generically a complete intersection and of deviation one
, verifies H-2(A, B, G(I)) = 0. This is not true for licci ideals of l
inear type and of deviation two.