This study examined the effects of teaching 3 older siblings to use tw
o milieu teaching procedures, modeling and mand modeling, with their y
ounger siblings who exhibited language delays. A single-subject, multi
ple baseline design across subjects was used to determine the effects
of the intervention on the behavior of the siblings and the target chi
ldren. Results indicated that siblings were able to apply milieu teach
ing techniques while playing with the target children. Siblings' respo
nsiveness to the target children's verbal initiations also increased.
The target children learned to use their targeted utterances in respon
se to teaching attempts by their siblings and used the target spontane
ously. Additionally, the interactions between the children became more
positive and balanced during the intervention. Generally, all the sib
lings and target children maintained the changes in their behavior. Tw
o of the three dyads generalized the behavioral changes to a snack set
ting. Implications for future investigations of sibling-implemented la
nguage intervention are discussed.