Internal flow of pure vapor experiencing film condensation on the wall
s of a straight horizontal duct is studied. The commonly occurring ann
ular case of turbulent (or laminar) vapor flow in the core and laminar
flow of the liquid condensate-with or without waves on the interface-
is emphasized. We present a new methodology which models interfacial s
hear with the help of theory, computations, and reliable experimental
data on heat transfer rates. The theory-at the point of onset of conde
nsation-deals with issues of asymptotic form of interfacial shear, non
uniqueness of solutions, and selection of the physically admissible so
lution by a stability type criteria. Other details of the flow are pre
dicted with the help of the proposed modeling approach. These predicti
ons are shown to be in agreement with relevant experimental data. The
trends for film thickness, heat transfer rates, and pressure drops are
also made available in the form of power-law correlations.