D. Flynn et al., A SELF-TUNING AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESIGNED FOR AN INDUSTRIAL-ENVIRONMENT, IEEE transactions on energy conversion, 11(2), 1996, pp. 429-434
Examination of the performance of fixed parameter controllers has resu
lted in the development of self-tuning strategies for excitation contr
ol of turbogenerator systems. In conjunction with the advanced control
algorithms, sophisticated measurement techniques have previously been
adopted on micromachine systems to provide generator terminal quantit
ies. In power stations, however, a minimalist hardware arrangement wou
ld be selected leading to relatively simple measurement techniques. Th
e performance of a range of self-tuning schemes is investigated on an
industrial test-bed, employing a typical industrial hardware measureme
nt system. Individual controllers are implemented on a standard digita
l automatic voltage regulator, as installed in power stations. This em
ploys a VME platform, and the self-tuning algorithms are introduced by
linking to a transputer network The AVR includes all normal features,
such as field forcing, VAr limiting and overflux protection. Self-tun
ing controller performance is compared with that of a fixed gain digit
al AVR.