The paper demonstrates success rate of transferring extensive beef bre
ed embryos imported from Scotland and Canada to Czech Republic. All im
ported embryos were preserved. Freezing, storage, thawing procedures a
s well as pre-transfer treatment of embryos respected principles menti
oned in Manual of International ET Corporation and veterinary regulati
ons. Hereford embryos were transferred to 18 less suitable and superan
nuated recipients of a breeder (1st group) and to 14 convenient recipi
ents in Research Institute for Cattle Breeding Rapotin (2nd group). Su
ccess rate amounted to 16.7% (1st group) and to 75.0% (2nd group, P <
0.05); total conception rate was 37.5% (12/32). Aberdeen-Angus embryos
were imported fl om Canada (54.1% conception rate, 20/37) and from Sc
otland (43.5% conception rate, 10/23; the conception rate varied in in
dividual herds from 20.0% to 61.5%, P < 0.05). Repeated superovulation
s of Galloway and Highland donors were successful. Conception rate in
recipients of Galloway embryos and Highland embryos amounted to 80.0%
(32/40) and to 51.3% (19/37), respectively. Significant differences of
conception rates in individual herds (P < 0.05) were found in the two
groups. Adequate selection and treatment of heifers - embryo recipien
ts - and close collaboration and appropriate informative service betwe
en the exporter and workers realizing ET in importing country form the
necessary prerequisites of ET success.