Inflammatory skin disorders such as psoriasis show a preferential epid
ermal infiltration of neutrophils and T lymphocytes, This observation
raises a question as to which factors determine the appearance and com
position of leukocyte tissue infiltrations. Previously, we described a
low molecular mass calcium-binding protein (psoriasin, molecular mass
11,457 Da, pI 6.77) belonging to the S100 family that is highly upreg
ulated in psoriatic keratinocytes and whose expression patterns implie
d a role in the inflammatory response. Here we report that human psori
asin is a potent and selective chemotactic inflammatory protein for CD
4(+) T lymphocytes and neutrophils at concentrations of about 10(-11)
M. Psoriasin is not structurally related to the alpha or the beta chem
okine subfamilies or to lymphotactin, a member of a newly described cl
ass of chemokines. Thus, we have observed a chemotactic protein outsid
e the chemokine subfamilies that could be an important new inflammator
y mediator.