Coexistent sarcoidosis and seronegative spondylarthropathy have rarely
been reported, We add three new cases to the nine previously publishe
d, Two men and one woman with sarcoidosis met Amor's criteria for spon
dylarthropathy, The diagnosis of sarcoidosis was based on histologic f
indings in two cases and on roentgenographic and laboratory test findi
ngs in one case, The features of each of the two diseases were unremar
kable. The two diagnoses were confirmed at about the same time, Osteoa
rticular manifestations of sarcoidosis are reviewed, Our case-reports
illustrate the diagnostic difficulties raised by discovery of sacroili
itis in a patient with sarcoidosis: sarcoid osteitis, infection, or a
spondyloarthropathy can be the cause of the sacroiliac lesions, Moreov
er, the pelvic and spinal manifestations of sarcoidosis can mimick a s
pondylarthropathy. Coexistence of sarcoidosis and spondylarthropathy i
s probably due to chance, since there are no shared predisposing genet
ic factors and the number of reported cases is small.