Various studies indicate the existence of non-Fourier visual mechanism
s that can extract non-luminance cues (e.g., contrast modulation) as w
ell as a Fourier mechanism that deals with luminance variation only, W
e compared the pattern discrimination performance of the non-Fourier m
echanism with that of the Fourier mechanism by using orientation discr
imination and spatial-frequency discrimination tasks. The Fourier patt
erns used were D6s, the sixth spatial derivative of a Gaussian functio
n multiplied by another Gaussian function in the orthogonal dimension.
The corresponding non-Fourier patterns were D6 contrast;modulated cos
ine gratings, Our results showed a similar trend for the non-Fourier a
nd the Fourier performance at various peak spatial-frequencies or orie
ntations of D6. However, the discrimination threshold of the non-Fouri
er mechanism was about two-fold higher than that of the Fourier mechan
ism. The oblique effect was also stronger for non-Fourier patterns, In
addition, worse performance for non-Fourier patterns at short stimulu
s durations (around 33.3 msec) was consistent with the prediction of t
he two;stage non-Fourier model, which requires more time for the addit
ional rectification and filtering operations. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsev
ier Science Ltd.