If strictly mitotic asexual fungi lack recombination, the conventional
view predicts that they are recent derivatives from older meiotic lin
eages. We tested this by inferring phylogenetic relationships among cl
osely related meiotic and strictly mitotic taxa with Aspergillus conid
ial (mitotic) states. Phylogenies were constructed by using DNA sequen
ces from the mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit, the nuclear riboso
mal internal transcribed spacers, and the nuclear 5.8S ribosomal gene.
Over 990 bp of sequence was analyzed for each taxon. Phylogenetic ana
lysis of both the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets showed at least
four clades that possess both meiotic and strictly mitotic taxa. These
results support the hypothesis that strictly mitotic lineages arise f
requently from more ancient meiotic lineages with Aspergillus conidial
states. Many of the strictly mitotic species examined retained charac
ters that may be vestiges of a meiotic state, including the production
of sclerotia, sclerotium-like structures, and hulle cells.