Three aeration indicators, namely oxygen (O-2) concentration, redox po
tential (Eh), and oxygen diffusion rate (ODR), were measured to determ
ine the aeration status of soil under short-term flooding and unfloode
d conditions. Relationships between these indicators were developed an
d results of some measurements made over short time intervals during f
looding and drainage of soil are presented. In general, O-2 concentrat
ion of above 80% (saturated) was needed for ODR and Eh values to be ab
ove critical values of 20 x 10(-8) g cm(-2) min(-1) and 600 mV, respec
tively, indicating a well oxidized soil system. Within hours of inunda
tion, O-2 Concentration and ODR values reduced below their critical le
vels at all the sampling depths. The ODR at all the sampling depths re
mained depressed for several hours after lowering the water table, ind
icating partial blocking of the air-filled pores by water films.