Protein sequence motifs are signatures of protein families and can oft
en be used as tools for the prediction of protein function. The genera
lization and modification of already known motifs are becoming major t
rends in the literature, even though new motifs are still being discov
ered at an approximately linear rate. The emphasis of motif analysis a
ppears to be shifting from metabolic enzymes, in which motifs are asso
ciated with catalytic functions and thus often readily recognizable, t
o structural and regulatory proteins, which contain more divergent mot
ifs. The consideration of structural information increasingly contribu
tes to the identification of motifs and their sensitivity. Genome sequ
encing provides the basis for asystematic analysis of all motifs that
are present in a particular organism. A systematically derived motif d
atabase is therefore feasible, allowing the classification of the majo
rity of the newly appearing protein sequences into known families.