This paper presents a meta-analysis of the data from 6,179 participant
s in 77 studies that investigated the association between working-memo
ry capacity and language comprehension ability. A primary goal of the
meta-analysis was to compare the predictive power of the measures of w
orking memory developed by Daneman and Carpenter (1980) with the predi
ctive power of other measures of working memory. The results of the me
ta-analysis support Daneman and Carpenter's (1980) claim that measures
that tap the combined processing and storage capacity of working memo
ry (e.g., reading span, listening span) are better predictors of compr
ehension than are measures that tap only the storage capacity (e.g., w
ord span, digit span). The meta-analysis also showed that math process
plus storage measures of working memory are good predictors of compre
hension. Thus, the superior predictive pou er of the process plus stor
age measures is not Limited to measures that involve the manipulation
of words and sentences.