Although the neural location of the plaid motion coherence process is
not precisely known, the middle temporal (MT) cortical area has been p
roposed as a likely candidate. This claim rests largely on the neuroph
ysiological findings showing that in response to plaid stimuli, a subg
roup of cells in area MT responds to the pattern direction, whereas ce
lls in area V1 respond only to the directions of the component grating
s. In Experiment 1, we report that the coherent motion of a plaid patt
ern can be completely abolished following adaptation to a grating whic
h moves in the plaid direction and has the same spatial period as the
plaid features (the so-called ''blobs''). Interestingly, we find this
phenomenon is monocular: monocular adaptation destroys plaid coherence
in the exposed eye but leaves it unaffected in the other eye. Experim
ent 2 demonstrates that adaptation to a purely binocular (dichoptic) g
rating does not affect perceived plaid coherence. These data suggest s
everal conclusions: (1) that the mechanism determining plaid coherence
responds to the motion of plaid features, (2) that the coherence mech
anism is monocular, and thus (3), that it is probably located at a rel
atively low level in the visual system and peripherally to the binocul
ar mechanisms commonly presumed to underlie two-dimensional (2-D) moti
on perception. Experiment 3 examines the spatial tuning of the monocul
ar coherence mechanism and our results suggest it is broadly tuned wit
h a preference for lower spatial frequencies. In Experiment 4, we exam
ine whether perceived plaid direction is determined by the motion of t
he grating components or the features. Our data strongly support a fea
ture-based model.