A catch-length model was constructed to estimate abundance of crab pop
ulations for which no survey data are available. The model incorporate
s stochastic growth by length and gradual recruitment over length and
assumes constant catchability. Required data include catch by length a
nd shell condition, fishing effort, growth increment per molt by lengt
h, and annual natural mortality rate. Model application to red king cr
ab populations in Bristol Bay and off Kodiak Island, Alaska, generally
provides accurate estimates of trends of relative population abundanc
es. The accuracy of absolute abundance estimates depends on knowledge
of natural mortality. The model provided a good fit to the catch by le
ngth and shell condition for both populations. In comparison to popula
tion abundances estimated directly from surveys, the catch-length mode
l performed best With instantaneous natural mortality set equal to 0.4
and with fishing effort and catch-length/shell composition weighted e
qually in the calculation of residual sum of squares.