Rationale and Objectives. The nomenclature that divides disk herniatio
ns into protrusions and extrusions may increase the specificity of mag
netic resonance (MR) imaging for clinically important lesions. Our goa
l was to determine this terminology's interreader reliability. Methods
. Three readers who were unaware of patients' histories independently
read MR images of 34 consecutive patients with back pain. Readers clas
sified disks at the lowest three lumbar levels as normal, bulging, pro
truded, or extruded. Kappa and weighted kappa values were the primary
measures of agreement. Results. Weighted kappa values showed fair-to-m
oderate agreement. Kappas for the dichotomous decision of extrusion pr
esent or absent were more variable, ranging from 0 to .78. Major disag
reements (greater than a single category) occurred with 6.2% of all co
mparisons and in 10 of 34 volunteers; five involved extrusions. Conclu
sion. Overall, readers achieved moderate agreement for this new nomenc
lature. However, agreement for the presence or absence of an extrusion
was less reliable.