Sporulating colonies of Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus, and A. niger
were subjected to immunofluorescence using specific polyclonal antibo
dies against the aspergillopepsin PEP (EC 3.4-.23.18), a secretory asp
artic proteinase produced by A. fumigatus. The proteinase antigen was
found mainly in developing conidiophores of aspergilli, in submerged m
ycelia and on the tips of growing aerial mycelia. Mature aerial hyphae
and spores showed no immunofluorescence at all. Sporulating conidioph
ores revealed only weak activity in A. fumigatus and A. flavus. The di
stinct pattern of expression of the aspartic proteinase antigens sugge
sts a role for such enzymes in the growth of hyphae and the developmen
t of conidiophores and thus for the sporulation process in aspergilli.