The molecular basis of-the biorhythms are evoked in relation to cerebr
al EEG rhythms and paroxysms. Basic oscillatory phenomena have been we
ll shown and modeled in systems such as the glycolytic pathway, the os
cillations of cAMP in amoebas and rhythms of the intracellular cycline
during mitosis. In excitable cells the intracellular calcium and cAMP
oscillations exhibit a signalling system with many advantages. Thus t
he question arises: to what extent can the EEG paroxysms observed in e
pileptic syndrome be due to disturbances in such basic molecular pathw
ays that underlie intracellular molecular oscillations? The usefulness
of the absence-rat-model and the implication the T type Ca2+-channel
of the thalamic nuclei in the pathophysiology of this epileptic syndro
me are discussed.