Scattering theory and Green function theory is used to study scanning
tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) on p(2 x 2)Na/Al(111
). The surface unit cell has two different Na and four Al atoms, howev
er, in STM experiments in the constant current mode a single protrusio
n is observed per surface unit cell. The theory demonstrates that at r
elevant rip-sample separations it is due to me Na atoms in the fee pos
ition of the topmost intermixed Na-Al layer. The density of states ind
uced by the sodium atoms near the Fermi level is the reason for the en
hanced tunneling current in the vicinity of Na-fcc. At smaller tunneli
ng distances image inversion is observed due to the tip-sample interac
tion. STS has been studied in the voltage range from -5 V to +1 V. Fea
tures on the clean Al(111) surface are observed at similar bias voltag
es as in the STS experiments, however, they are attributed to bulk ban
d structure features and not to surface states. Within the voltage ran
ge studied STS on p(2 x 2)Na/Al(111) yields a sodium induced peak at t
he Fermi edge.