Diabetes influences brain ischemia in a number of different ways. Diab
etes causes and exacerbates macroangiopathies, increases the severity
of ischemia, and increases stroke mortality, Unfortunately, few studie
s have examined in sufficient depth the influence of diabetes on the v
arious vascular lesions that cause brain ischemia, These can be divide
d into: 1) cardiac-origin brain embolism; 2) atherosclerosis of the ao
rta and the large extracranial arteries-the internal carotid arteries
(ICAs) and the vertebral arteries (VAs); 3) atherosclerosis of the lar
ge intracranial arteries-ICAs, anterior, middle, and posterior cerebra
l arteries, the VAs, and the basilar artery; 4) intracranial atheromat
ous branch disease of macroscopically visible branches of the intracra
nial arteries enumerated in 3; and 5) degenerative abnormalities such
as lipohyalinosis and fibrinoid changes within penetrating artery bran
ches visible only microscopically. The last three types of disorders a
ll can cause deep subcortical brain infarcts, the predominant type of
brain infarction found in Japan.